About Wayne Lee

My Story

Wayne Lee is an award winning corporate hypnotist and performance coach who has presented to over 4000 audiences all over the globe for the past 20 years. Wayne’s unique combination of mental programming tools and comedy hypnosis turn average events into sensational experiences for all involved.

Don’t worry, individuals will not be embarrassed. It is clean, classy and tasteful. Everyone has a great time and the participants become the heroes of your conference.



If there’s one thing peak performance experts like Wayne Lee agree on, it’s that the mind is capable of leading us anywhere.

He also knows that for many of us, our minds are littered with detours, potholes and accidents waiting to happen. Fear, self-doubt, inhibitions of all kinds, these beliefs reside in our subconscious and prevent us from reaching our conscious goals. But if you set your GPS (Great Programmable Subconscious) for success, you can achieve anything while taking the ride of your life.

Wayne’s own journey to excellence was fueled with an unrelenting passion for entertaining and empowering people. From a childhood fascination with magic and visualization, Wayne’s gift for seeing and acting on what’s possible has grown to international proportions: He is one of North America’s premier corporate presenters, a veteran of thousands of successful shows, a published author, and peak performance coach to professionals of all walks of life.

And he’s practised what he preaches. Wayne is a former five-time Canadian amateur wrestling champion, who also served as a beloved classroom instructor before taking the stage in the corporate world. More recently, he was named “Entertainer of the Year” for the Canadian Events Industry.

Which brings us back to the power of the mind. Wayne Lee is an unrelenting advocate for individuals and teams looking to turn potential into performance. Through humor and hypnosis, he helps people drop their defenses and access their GPS. Once in there, Wayne shows how what you put in–beliefs, attitudes, goals and vision–acts as coordinates that absolutely determine whether or not you reach your destination. Get it wrong and you’re stuck in traffic. Get it right and you’ll get to your goal faster and more directly than you ever thought possible.

Many people find it difficult to make the connection between the inner goings on of the mind and outward action and performance, yet it’s crucial to any success.

That’s why Wayne Lee’s work is so special. He can break down the barriers of even the most cynical and resistant individuals through laughter and hypnosis, in the process showing them how to access their own subconscious. Once people realize what’s possible when they program the GPS for success, it’s as if they become a new person–the person they were always meant to be. For employers, that means productivity, teamwork, and a great attitude at work. For employees themselves, it’s like being handed the keys to the ride of their lives.


Set Your GPS for Success – Interactive Keynote Presentation
(60 – 90 minutes)

Hilariously Uplifting

Wayne Lee helps you access and harness the power of your GPS (Great Programmable Subconscious) for optimal performance at work and at home. Wayne shows you how to Fix your Focus and reveals what is possible when you program your GPS for success.  Deeply engaging, always down-to-earth, Wayne Lee delivers life-changing content and an exhilarating, one-of-a kind experience.

This presentation is highlighted by the 1, 2, 3 PUNCH…

  1. In this unforgettable interactive hypnosis presentation, Wayne peels back the layers of his hypnosis show and teaches your group some positive programming tools to optimize their performance at work and at home. 
  2. Your group will learn one specific strategy that they can use immediately to overcome stress, change limiting beliefs and perform better. 
  3. Your group will receive a 10 week goal achievement program that will make the message last a lifetime.

To maximize the benefits for your group Wayne will tailor this presentation to your specific industry and your specific outcomes.

Evening Entertainment

Live the Laughter – A Comedy Hypnosis Show
(60 – 90 Minutes)

Unforgettable Laughter

The perfect fit for your evening entertainment, awards banquet or client appreciation events.

What does it mean to Live the Laughter? With Wayne Lee it means a highly interactive hypnosis show as unique as it is hilarious. It means gut-splitting laughter and improbable scenes acted out by audience members no longer inhibited by their fears. Wayne’s show is always clean, classy and tasteful. Everyone has a great time and your participants become the stars and heroes of your event. As well as Hilarious this show is very inspiring as Wayne gives all the participants a life changing suggestion to help them achieve any personal or professional goal. This powerful suggestion will also be a tool to help them perform better at work and at home.

Even the most jaded cynics will laugh uncontrollably… and then thank you!!

Live the Laughter: A Comedy Hypnosis Show is the perfect tonic to improve morale and encourage team-building within your organization. It will give wings to any event on your calendar, whether it’s a convention, conference, awards banquet, customer or staff appreciation night, holiday party, or a fundraiser. Wayne Lee presentations deliver the ultimate in corporate entertainment – hilarious, tasteful, and inspiring!

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