About Bonnie Gross

My Story

Bonnie founded SpeechScience International Inc. in 1998 to apply her unique skills as both a Speech Language Pathologist and radio and television producer/host, to help her clients become dynamic, influential speakers and communicators.

Using the science of Speech Pathology, combined with dynamic public speaking skills and the techniques of TV and radio entertainment, Bonnie helps her clients deliver dynamic messages, hold the attention of any audience, speak impressively without fear – and ultimately to find their own voices in any business or social setting.


She has successfully delivered courses in Leadership Speaking Skills to Fortune 500 companies in Toronto and New York, including IBM Canada, CISCO Systems, CIBC, BMO, American Express, and The United Nations (New York). She has also been a voice consultant to the Stella Adler School of Acting in New York.

Bonnie has also created an online Accent Reduction Program used by many Fortune 500 companies with excellent, measurable results, including IBM, CISCO Systems, OLG, TD Bank, CIBC and RBC.


Professional Achievements:

  • Producer/host/writer of several award-winning television and radio series including Ethnicity; Giving Voice – a program about specialized communication problems and how people were able to overcome them; and Second Chance – 26 half hour episodes about people who have had a second chance in their lives. Co-produced with CHCH TV.
  • President of the Ontario Speech and Hearing Association.
  • Award recipient – Honours of the Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology for outstanding contribution to the profession.
  • Programming excellence Award for Ethnicity – a weekly TV show highlighting ethnic issues in the news in Canada.


You Have a Voice – Be Heard!
Confessions of a Former Shy Person

Everyone is born with a great voice – you can find and use yours! This is the story of a person who was so shy she could hardly speak in public. It’s about her evolution into a person today who helps others move audiences to laughter and tears, who loves networking and talking to strangers, and who helps others speak up confidently in all situations. This is my story.

I know what it’s like to be shy. I know what it’s like to feel that you can’t possibly speak up. And I know the thrill and confidence of speaking to and inspiring audiences.

This keynote not only tells the story of my own evolution – but how everyone in the audience who has ever experienced shyness, or wanted to instantly run out of a party or networking event, who has had a mortal fear of presenting or even speaking at a meeting – can overcome it and let their voices be heard.

A speech or conversation may last only a few minutes, but its impact lasts forever.



Trust—the new measure of Business Success

How to get it – keep it – and make it work for you

In Business and in Life—the key to success is no longer simply “engagement” – it is TRUST.

We choose the people we interview,  work with and socialize with based on The Trust Factor.

The instant we meet someone, and particularly when we hear their voice, –– we instinctively decide if we can TRUST THEM. And the rest follows from there. This automatic and instinctive decision is a “ survival skill”, and  can make or break a business opportunity, an interview, a negotiation, a conversation, or a friendship.

The positive and negative communication habits we develop, start in childhood and continue throughout our lives– and we are not aware that they can create or destroy the way we project trustworthiness.

Our instinctive choices are based on the signals we give off through our speech habits, messaging, movement, body language, facial expressions– and even breathing

This course ensures that every time you speak and in every situation – you are generating Trust in other people.

Bonnie Gross, President of SpeechScience, has had over 25 years of working with individuals and groups to gain the skills that project TRUST – and this ensures that they can win negotiations, be spectacular in interviews, successfully deliver a speech or lead a meeting , and network  for RESULTS

This workshop will teach you to use the trust factors of voice, vocal tone, pronunciation, posture, facial expression, movement, body language, breathing , messaging, and much more—to win the trust of others and be incredibly successful in meetings,  presentations and negotiations.

Leadership Speaking Mastery

Speak, Act And Look Like a Leader

Duration:  2 hours / half day / full day/ or custom
Level:  Any level
Description: When there are 2 people with the same skills entering a room, delivering a speech, or participating in a meeting– it’s the person who looks, act and sounds like a leader who is memorable in every way. Make sure next time—its YOU.

This class teaches you the skills not usually taught in traditional “ presentation skills” courses –you will learn secrets of how to speak, look and act like a leader. Don’t be the one who is passed over!

Don’t  Panic! —Being a calm, confident, impactful presenter starts before you write the first line- it starts with what and how you think.

Learn the Skills of the Pros   the speaking skills of great public speakers, such as John F. Kennedy and Steve Jobs, who have used their voices and speaking style to exude power and influence.

• Overcome anxiety
• Deliver a powerful message
• Sound natural and conversational
• Get rid of annoying speech habits such as “um” and “up” tone
• Capture and hold the attention of your audience
• Improve your voice projection
• Learn to be a great  “virtual” speaker on conference calls and webinars


Body Language, Presence, and Power

The Conversation Starts before Your Speak

Duration:  2 hours/half day / full day/ or custom
Level:  Any level
Description :   73% of what we communicate to other people is through our body language and facial expression. We may say one thing, but “project” a different message. Did you now that we are subconsciously judged by our body movements and facial expressions.

• Identify your own positive and negative habits
• Learn great new habits
• Understand the habits of famous people, and why they work and don’t work
• Learn what exactly do we mean we mean by “presence” – and why do we want it?
• Practice great  Body language for business meetings
• Practice great  Body language while presenting
• Practice great Body language for networking (Can you talk, stand, and eat at the same time? Learn the secret)


Be Heard! – Through the Glass Ceiling

Leadership Speaking Skills for Women

Duration:  2 hours/half day / full day/ or custom
Level:  Any level

Description: Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the North America, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government, industry, and in professional firms including Law and Accounting.

This means that women’s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In her recent bestseller —Lean In,— Sheryl Sandberg , chief operating officer of Facebook

identified one of the major problems holding women back, is the faulty way women communicate to upper management, colleagues, and clients  in business situations.

Please join Bonnie Gross, in “the ladies room,” to learn and change speaking  skills to make people recognize the true value of your ideas and help you reach your full potential.

• Use  your voice, your tone, and your choice of words as powerful business tools.
• Communicate  your message so others will listen.
• Get rid of negative speech habits such as “um” and poor pronunciation.
• Effectively  use your posture and  facial expression to make people listen to your ideas.
• Discover your inner feelings and attitudes about being strong in business.
• WOW your audience in presentations



Secrets of Confident Conversation

Duration:  2 hours/half day / full day/ or custom

Level:  Any level

Description:  If you feel uncomfortable and shy at networking events, in meetings, and or at social functions, then this workshop is for you.

Gain skills and confidence in – how to act, what to say, and how to make a great impression

 Learn how to project confidence in business &   social situations

• How to enter a room full of strangers
• Make people want to listen to what you  have to say!
• Enter a room so that people want to talk to you
• Introductions and how to remember names (including your own!)
• How to start a conversation and what to talk about when you don’t know what to say
• What to say( and do) in difficult situations, such as pronouncing a name incorrectly 
• Say goodbye so that people remember you! 
• Look good socially! ( my foolproof formula ) 

Clear Confident Accents

For Foreign Speakers of English

Duration:  half day / full day/ or custom
Maximum number of participants: 25
Level:  Any level

Description: Break Through Communication Barriers

• Speak English clearly, and confidently in presentations and meetings
• Never be asked to repeat yourself again
• Have complete confidence in your pronunciation

In This  Master Class You Will:

• Make improvements to your pronunciation,  sentence rhythm, and intonation, to achieve a clear North American accent
• Understand your personal accent errors, and how to improve them
• Convince people with your intonation
• Learn to speak with flowing words and sentences
• Improve listening skills.
• Learn quickly and easily with our Computerized biofeedback tool – the Computerized Speech Lab
• Receive an outstanding take home practice tool – www.AccentScienceSystems.com
• Receive personal feedback and coaching from a registered Speech Language Pathologist


*NEW* Leadership Communication for Women – Be Heard – Through the Glass Ceiling

1 hour, 1.5 hrs, r 2 hour formats

Communication is the backbone of our society.  Strong, positive communication allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change.  Without persuasive communication skills, the ability to progress in the professional world and in life, itself, would be nearly impossible.

It’s no secret that executive roles have been traditionally held by men.  But times are changing, and fast!  SpeechScience will address current and emerging female leaders to develop their voices, presence, and tone.  These are the essential components for great communicators, and will help all participants to develop their own leadership style.

SpeechScience has  been long-term partners with many organizations in both the US and Canada.  Some of these include United Nations ( New York ), Cisco Systems, TD Bank, Deloitte, Bank of Montreal, Manulife Financial, KPMG, CIBC, and RBC.

We are tremendously proud of the impact that we have made in helping women achieve their goals by finding their voices.

o             Discover what may be holding you back from effectively leading any meeting or presentation

o             Prepare your remarks to capture and hold the attention of your audience

o             Use effective intonation and pacing to deliver a persuasive  message

o             Learn to develop your best speaking voice

o             Eliminate a voice that is too high in pitch, too low in volume, or too breathy

o             Eliminate negative speech habits that are common to women such as“um” and “up” tone, etc.

o             Project confidence, leadership and presence in meetings, presentations, and networking events

o             Identify your body language and facial expression habits – and replace these with excellent, confident body language and facial expression

o             Learn public speaking tips from famous speakers such as Ruth Bader Gisburg, and Michele Obama

o             Learn and practice cultural communication differences in networking, meetings and conversation

o             Create your leadership “presence”.

o             Dress matters- look your leadership best

o             Lose your anxiety when Public Speaking

What People are Saying about Bonnie:

Bonnie provided accent reduction services for almost a year to a group of 20 employees in our Toronto office. Over that time, I have personally noticed improvements not only in each and every persons ability to reduce their accent and speak more clearly but also their overall confidence when speaking to large audiences. Having to work in a very technical environment, the training, guidance, and support each participant received from Bonnie over the duration of the program was extremely valuable and immediately applicable to their working environment. Bonnie’s skill set and experience has definitely been proven and I look forward to having her back at the office for another program offering.

— Gavin Demonte, PMP, Engineering Project Manager – Square

Bonnie is an impassioned speaker who “knows her stuff”. An expert speech pathologist and fine facilitator of voice and communications, Bonnie’s keynotes and workshops offer rock-solid content, packaged in an informative and entertaining fashion. She’s a keen and earnest enthusiast for raising professionals’ presence and visibility. It’s my pleasure to work alongside such a committed and knowledgeable-in-her-field fellow speaker.”

Nina Spencer, Keynote Speaker/Author
Bestselling Author of, Getting Passion Out of Your Profession:
How to keep loving your living…come what may 

Bonnie taught me how to talk to and have executive, authoritative presence in front of a large audience of key executives and clients. Without her, I would have surely not been as well equipped and prepared to present in front of such an audience. I was able to gain the confidence of all the company’s key clients and the parent company’s executive management. I would recommend Bonnie to anyone who needs to polish their presence and presentation skills to be top quality.

Arun Bordoloi

Director of Product Planning, TV – Visual Display Innovation at Samsung.

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