About Kyle Donnelly

At 38, Kyle Donnelly was in the best shape of his life. As a personal trainer, he exercised five days a week, ate a healthy diet and enjoyed going for walks. So when Kyle started feeling discomfort and like something wasn’t right, he did what so many of us do and assumed it would pass, but his weight began to plummet. Within a month, the pain had become unbearable, and two procedures hadn’t revealed any reasons why he wasn’t improving.

Finally, after four months of pain, dramatic weight loss, and misdiagnosis, Kyle was referred to a UHN hospital for a CT scan and MRI. By this time, the pain was so severe that he could barely make the 500 yard walk to the front door of the hospital. That’s where he finally received an answer: stage 4 colon cancer.”

The day after his diagnosis, he had an emergency colostomy operation. Then, after months of chemotherapy and radiation sessions at The Princess Margaret, his tumor had shrunk considerably – but surgery was still needed.


The Princess Margaret is home to Canada’s largest and most highly skilled team of surgical oncologists who take on some of country’s most difficult procedures. After many surgeries, including an intensive 15-hour procedure, Kyle was on the slow and painful road to recovery.

Kyle credits the world-class expertise and advanced technology at The Princess Margaret, with saving his life. “I’m now just over one and half years in remission,” said Kyle. “Princess Margaret (staff) are miracle workers. Every single doctor, surgeon, receptionist, nurse – they were incredible. They kept me going.”

When you purchase a Princess Margaret Home Lottery ticket, you’re supporting the world-class research and care that helps patients like Kyle beat the odds.

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