About Mark Franklin

My Story

Mark Franklin is the award-winning practice leader of CareerCycles, a career management social enterprise based in Toronto, co-founder of OneLifeTools, instructor at University of Toronto, and producer of Career Buzz radio show and podcast. Mark and a team of Associates have enriched the career wellbeing of 5000+ clients individually and in organizations. In 2015, Mark received the Stu Conger Award for Leadership in Career Development. In his earlier engineering career, Mark consulted with hundreds of organizations as a technology manager, then management consultant with KPMG. Changing careers, Mark led student services initiatives in two of Canada’s largest universities, now teaches for-credit career management courses at University of Toronto and applies system thinking and engineering problem solving to create scalable, gamified and evidence-based career management tools. Mark hosts the Career Buzz radio show and podcast where he’s interviewed hundreds of guests about insights and turning points in their career stories. Mark holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering, a Master of Education in Counselling Psychology, and a Professional Engineer license.


Storytelling and storylistening for employee engagement and teambuilding

Put the power of story in your hands. Be introduced to the what, why and how of storytelling then try it out yourself in a structured, fun experience. Strike the right balance between operational objectives for your meeting, and a fun & social activity that supports team-building, empathy & communication skills development, professional development, employee development, mutual understanding and trust building. Great for leaders who plan annual, quarterly or monthly meetings.


  • individual development statement, for self-motivation and to support performance reviews
  • increased use of empathy, communication and feedback-giving skills at work
  • better productivity stemming from increased trust

Keynote, 75-90 minutes, includes access to game materials and full-colour guidebook for each participant.

Better career conversations at work

What’s my next opportunity within this organization? Millennials want to know. And yet so few organizations harness the power of workplace career conversations. Be introduced to the what, why and how of these powerful conversations then then engage in a fun and social, structured activity that prepares everyone for better career conversations at work. Plus, this gamified experience supports team-building, empathy & communication skills development, professional development, employee development, mutual understanding and trust building.


  • individual development statement, to support workplace career conversations and for self-motivation
  • better clarity around strengths and how to put them to work
  • increased use of empathy, communication and feedback-giving skills at work

Keynote, 75-90 minutes, includes access to game materials and full-colour guidebook for each participant.


Who You Are Matters!

A trained facilitator leads a fun and engaging event for your staff, using a highly interactive gamified group discovery experience – Who You Are Matters! – that sparks meaningful conversation and builds skills to support employee engagement, team development, skill building and internal career management. Get staff together for professional and personal development, team building, and effective peer-to-peer learning. Great for HR professionals and managers tasked with onboarding or managing new hires, or interns.


  • better individual performance stemming from naming and claiming their strengths, assets and personal qualities
  • build job-ready communication, empathy and feedback-giving skills immediately applicable to job demands
  • gain clarity about how to contribute to the organization by integrating strengths and personal interests with organizational career paths
  • optional ‘team statement’ to provide group alignment

Facilitated workshop, 2 – 3 hours, includes access to game materials and full-colour guidebook for each participant

Websites and more information:

CareerCycles (practice leader)

Mark’s ‘Career Statement’

OneLifeTools (co-founder)

Career Buzz broadcast radio show and podcast (host and producer)

University of Toronto course, Engineering Careers:Theories and strategies to manage your career for the future (instructor). Scroll to APS1030 here

The Happy Engineer, a self-discovery retreat for early career engineers (co-facilitator).

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