About Shannon Talbot

Shannon Talbot is a workplace well-being and performance expert known for her expertise in guiding professionals toward success without succumbing to burnout. With a corporate background in financial services and advertising, Shannon brings firsthand experience of the challenges of neglecting well-being and stress management. Her journey from burnout to well-being led her to establish a practice dedicated to helping working professionals enhance their overall quality of life. Shannon’s speaking engagements provide practical insights for organizations, promoting employee engagement, productivity, and well-being, ultimately equipping audiences to navigate challenges and achieve lasting success.


Shannon Talbot is a workplace well-being and leadership expert who has become renowned for activating and energizing people and teams to live healthier and more joyful lives across various industries and has been doing so for more than 15 years.

Shannon aligns and partners with companies and organizations in an effort to see improved employee performance and engagement, reduced turnover, and improved employee well-being, all of which contribute to increased revenue.

After working as a leader in the corporate world in both the financial services and advertising industries and experiencing burnout from not prioritizing her well-being or knowing how to manage her stress and anxiety, Shannon started her practice to help working professionals maximize their well-being and performance to have more energy and joy across every area of their life.

Shannon is a Certified Health, Life & Transformational Coach, holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business and a Bachelor of International Business from Carleton University. 

Shannon’s work has been featured on CBC Radio and in Today’s Parent, Chatelaine, Lifehack and Thrive Global.

Over 100 working professionals, plus dozens of organizations such as Nestle, Scotiabank, BMO, Publicis, CGI, The WCB, nabs, FCB and Quad Realty have all benefitted from Shannon’s programs.

Shannon’s book Breaking Free – Stop Holding Back, Start Being You – A Guide to Living a More Meaningful Life comes out in early 2024.


From Burnout to Brilliance

Stress is just one leading cause of burnout – do your teams know the others and what to do about it?

Using a three-step system, Shannon educates and inspires participants to:

  • Understand their individual signs of burnout
  • Learn strategies to beat burnout and improve their energy, passion and motivation
  • Get practical tips and frameworks to implement the strategies into their busy lives

Unleashing Energy Management Secrets for Busy Working Pros

Multitasking, immense distractions, increasing workloads and competing priorities make time management especially challenging in today’s world.

Shannon motivates participants to stop prioritizing their time and start prioritizing their energy as a proven measure of improved success and well-being.

Participants will:

  • Understand the myths around productivity
  • Learn different productivity strategies
  • Walk away with energy management and performance tools and hacks

Authentically You: Elevating Your Leadership Presence While Still Being You

If the fear of failure was removed, how might your people’s behaviour change? Would they be more confident and productive?

Through storytelling and tools, Shannon shares how people can transform their mindset to cultivate more confidence and unleash their true potential.

Participants will:

  • Understand what obstacles may be holding them back
  • Learn strategies to better manage uncertainty, stress and anxiety
  • Feel better equipped to realize their potential and grow within their organization

Unleash Your Mornings: The Secrets to Highly Successful People

Do you know what many successful people have in common?

A strong morning routine that starts their day with energy and positivity leading them to be more focused, productive and happy.  They’re also linked to lower stress, increased confidence and reduce forgetfulness.

In this keynote, Shannon inspires and educates participants on:

  • The proven benefits of morning routines
  • The creation process to create a routine that works for each person
  • Tips for sustaining the routine long-term

“We had Shannon come in and deliver a keynote for one of our Director’s Offsites on Beating Burnout. Coming from the corporate world, Shannon understood the challenges our participants faced and through her energy and passion, she kept them highly engaged. Plus she had them walking away with practical tools and tips to improve their well-being at work.”

-Tiffany Wilson, Director – Consulting Services, CGI

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