About Thunder Jack

Thunder Jack, (spirit name “Good Words”), is Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee, from Whitefish Bay ON, and Oneida Nation of the Thames. Thunder is a Bear Clan member, proud father, Knowledge Keeper, singer, and dancer. As an Indigenous person, who holds his culture and traditions close to his heart, Thunder shares his knowledge of what indigenous identity here on Turtle Island means through language, dance, drumming, ceremony, and pow wow. Additionally, Thunder speaks openly of the historical and present happenings, that have impacted Indigenous peoples generationally and the importance that awareness of indigenous peoples’ identity and history has in strengthening identity and forming allies/friendship among all nations.   

Thunder was raised with Traditional Teachings from his two different Nations, attends Sweat Lodge regularly, and learned to grass dance with his older brother, who is a Champion Men’s Traditional Dancer, Sundance dancer, and Knowledge keeper. Thunder dances to honour our Ancestors, dance for those who are not able to dance, and for those who do not have regalia. Thunder works with feathers, beads and other hand-work, to create and share many beautiful traditional pieces. Thunder is a member of the Smoke Trail Singers Pow Wow drum group as well as lead singer for All Nations Singers. He is also a champion dancer and has placed at various Pow Wows across Turtle Island (North America).

At this time, Thunder Jack is an intricate part of the Urban Indigenous Education Centre (Toronto District School Board), sharing his Knowledge and gifts as a Cultures and Traditions Instructor, working along side the Elders Council, and supporting students, families, community as well as school board staff.

Thunder also has extensive experience working in the criminal justice system, focused on youth education and employment services. Thunder is dedicated to supporting the Indigenous community, centering his support with Traditional ways of being and knowing.


Awareness and Practices of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island



  • Indigenous Identity in Canada: Who Are We?
  • Indigenous Language
  • The Indian Act
  • Truth & Reconciliation
  • Wampum
  • Haudenosaunee Confederacy
  • Indigenous Arts: Dancing & Drumming
  • Pow Wow
  • Ceremonies

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