About Will Bowen

My Story

Will Bowen is the founder of the Complaint Free movement with over 12 million followers worldwide.

Will’s been featured on Oprah, Dr. Oz,  Forbes, NBC’s Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, The ABC World News, Fox News, People, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.  

In July 2006, Will Bowen handed out 250 purple rubber bracelets inviting people to use them as a tool to stop complaining.

Will’s idea EXPLODED around the world and, to date, more than 12 million of his purple Complaint Free bracelets have been distributed to people in 106 countries.  

Maya Angelou provided the forward for Will’s #1 International Bestselling book A Complaint Free World, which has sold more than 3 million copies in 30 languages and is required reading at many universities and businesses.

Thousands of companies worldwide have used Will’s Complaint Free Business program to increase productivity, improve communication, and raise morale.

Will’s clients include The Million Dollar Roundtable, Volvo, and Kimberly Clark.

Will Bowen is a humorous motivational speaker, a #1 International best-selling author, a multi #1 Amazon best-selling author, an award-winning trainer, the 2016 Purdue University Executive in Residence, and he’s the World Authority on Complaining — why people complain, what’s wrong complaining, and how to get ourselves and others to stop.



“You’re a game-changer! Not only were our people totally engaged the entire time you were speaking, 
but they’re still talking about you 6 months later!”
– Michelle Lane, NKCH

An Inspiring Story

Will Bowen was a top salesperson and successful manager for more than 20 years.

Then, in 2006 Will challenged students in a prosperity class he was teaching to give up complaining.

He gave each person a purple rubber bracelet along with the instructions to switch the bracelet to the other wrist every time they complained.

“The goal is to establish a new, Complaint Free habit by going 21 consecutive days without complaining.” Will said.

Will’s Complaint Free idea EXPLODED around the world and, to date, more than 11 million purple bracelets have been distributed to people in 106 countries.

Featured on

Will’s been on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Oz, The Today Show, Newsweek, People magazine, O magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

A Worldwide Movement

Will’s 5 books have sold more 3 million copies in 27 languages.

Will has spoken to more than 100,000 high achievers on 4 continents.

Dr. Maya Angelou referred to Will Bowen as, “One of my great spiritual heroes.”

Complaint Free Businesses

Thousands of businesses, government organizations, NGOs and non-profits worldwide have used Will’s Complaint Free Business program including General Electric, AFLAC, and the Nature Conservancy.

Clients Include

Kimberly-Clark, The Million Dollar Roundtable, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Volvo, Pratt & Whitney, and Purdue University.



You Can’t Complain Your Way to Health, Happiness, and Success!

Executives, salespeople, and employees all deal with hundreds of complaints on a daily basis from both customers and fellow co-workers.

Complaining is a virus that spreads through an organization infecting everyone in its path with negativity.

Companies waste billions of dollars and millions of employee hours every year trying to address customer complaints rather than dealing with the real issues behind them.

The Stats are Shocking

  • Complaining employees tend to underperform at tasks, have significantly greater health problems, miss work more often, and have trouble getting along with managers and co-workers.
  • 78% of U.S. workers waste an average of 4.5 hours every week listening to coworkers complain.
  • 1 out of every 11 people quit their jobs because of complaining coworkers.
  • Complaining spreads like a weed choking the life out of any organization.

The World Authority on Complaining

Will Bowen wrote the book on complaining — literally! And, A Complaint Free World — How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted has sold over 2 million copies in 27 languages.

In an engaging (and very funny) presentation, your team will learn

  1. What is (and isn’t) a complaint?
  2. What’s wrong with complaining? (Chronic complaining’s destructive effects on health, happiness, relationships, and career)
  3. The 5 reasons people complain (as remembered by the acronym G.R.I.P.E.)
  4. How to get ourselves and other people to stop complaining
  5. Positive Leadership in a negative world

Everyone will leave inspired, mindful of the real issues behind complaints they hear, and motivated to approach complaining customers and co-workers with new, simple and effective strategies.

Clients rave

Feedback was extremely positive!
-Phil Cabot, Volvo

Probably the best keynote we’ve ever had!
– Randy Haug, LeaseTeam, Inc.

Will is a pro and rates as one of our Top 10 speakers of all time!
– Troy Peple, CEO, Accelerent

Will Bowen is now one of my favorite speakers.
– Mary McColl, Horizon Bank

Will knocked it out of the park with his content and great presentation style!
– Lonie Mezera Iowa Department of Tourism



You Can’t Complain Your Way to Health, Happiness, and Success!

Executives, salespeople, and employees all deal with hundreds of complaints on a daily basis from both customers and fellow co-workers.

Complaining is a virus that spreads through an organization infecting everyone in its path with negativity.

Companies waste billions of dollars and millions of employee hours every year trying to address customer complaints rather than dealing with the real issues behind them.

The Stats are Shocking

  • Complaining employees tend to underperform at tasks, have significantly greater health problems, miss work more often, and have trouble getting along with managers and co-workers.
  • 78% of U.S. workers waste an average of 4.5 hours every week listening to coworkers complain.
  • 1 out of every 11 people quit their jobs because of complaining coworkers.
  • Complaining spreads like a weed choking the life out of any organization.

The World Authority on Complaining

Will Bowen wrote the book on complaining — literally! And, A Complaint Free World — How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted has sold over 2 million copies in 27 languages.

In an engaging (and very funny) presentation, your team will learn

  1. What is (and isn’t) a complaint?
  2. What’s wrong with complaining? (Chronic complaining’s destructive effects on health, happiness, relationships, and career)
  3. The 5 reasons people complain (as remembered by the acronym G.R.I.P.E.)
  4. How to get ourselves and other people to stop complaining
  5. Positive Leadership in a negative world

Everyone will leave inspired, mindful of the real issues behind complaints they hear, and motivated to approach complaining customers and co-workers with new, simple and effective strategies.

Clients rave

Feedback was extremely positive!
-Phil Cabot, Volvo

Probably the best keynote we’ve ever had!
– Randy Haug, LeaseTeam, Inc.

Will is a pro and rates as one of our Top 10 speakers of all time!
– Troy Peple, CEO, Accelerent

Will Bowen is now one of my favorite speakers.
– Mary McColl, Horizon Bank

Will knocked it out of the park with his content and great presentation style!
– Lonie Mezera Iowa Department of Tourism


Whoever said, “Wherever you go, there you are” was wrong.

We’re at work, but we’re thinking about being at home. We’re at home but stressing about working.  We go out to play golf but struggle because our mind is back at the office.

Today, especially with the constant buzz and ding from phones and computers, it’s harder than ever to accomplish the single most important aspect of success — focus!

7 Simple Strategies

Simply add one or more of these simple strategies into your life and you’ll soon find yourself less stressed, more relaxed and able to focus on what’s important while shaking off what’s not.

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