Laurie Flasko

Laurie Flasko

About Laurie Flasko My Story I am Laurie Flasko, CSP, CEC. I work with organizations that want to “WOW” their customers, build high-performing teams and leaders and create cultures where people love to work. With 25 years of experience, I know how to...
Judy Carter

Judy Carter

About Judy Carter My Story At an early age, Judy Carter discovered that the messes in her life were great comedy material. Judy’s message of using humor as a transformational tool led to her being featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Oprah Winfrey...
Jennifer Buchanan

Jennifer Buchanan

About Jennifer Buchanan My Story Jennifer Buchanan is a health entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word. Since she became a certified music therapist almost three decades ago, the music therapy industry has shifted from not being a recognized industry at all to...
Javed Khan

Javed Khan

About Javed S. Khan My Story A highly-rated international speaker, Javed S. Khan has been featured at hundreds of conferences and seminars, reaching more than 9,500 individuals as a result representing hundreds of organizations. Possessing a wealth of knowledge and...
James R. Elliot

James R. Elliot

About James R. Elliot My Story James R. Elliot is passionate about creating a powerful mindset for success in sales, customer service and executive teams. He connects people to their power, passion and purpose – which creates tremendous motivation because their work...